Join Up or Renew!

It’s that time of year again–time to sign up for the first time (and if so, a hearty welcome, by the way) or once again renew your commitment to CCÉ Philadelphia-Delaware Valley, a vital and central gathering place for Irish traditional music, dance, language and culture.

Obviously, these have been challenging times for the organization, both worldwide and locally, but pandemic or not, we continue to adapt and present programming of interest to you all.

Take, for example, our virtual wren party last year, which drew interest from near and far–and, more recently, our participation in CCÉ’s Fleadhfest. It takes a bit of creativity, but we are determined that CCÉ Philadelphia-Delaware Valley will not just survive, but thrive.

We need you to take part. To do that, it’s simple: join or renew today. Visit our membership page and help keep this lively and important tradition going.